Monday, April 30, 2007

Week 12

These days I move so much and I'm always wiggling around when Daddy or Mommy are trying to change my nappy. I can now lift my butt up when lying on my back and lift my head up off the ground during tummy time.

I'm growing each day now...

and am as active as ever!

Like my bib?

I really do love my Daddy a lot!


Fresh after a bath...

I look really tan for some reason.

Daddy really loves me!

Still stunned from the big kiss!

What's going on?

I'm so big now that I no longer fit into my mini-bed.

I now have the whole side of the couch to myself!

Yep, I'm a lucky girl.

Boo hoo.. here I am crying because I want to be held! I don't like to feel lonely.

1 comment:

hater said...

baby looks nice and tan!