Sunday, July 29, 2007

My first (almost) teeth!

Yep, you read it correctly--I'm teething!! Wow, something is happening each week I'm here. I'm growing up so fast my parents can't believe it! I'm drooling nonstop these days and have to change a bib almost every hour. Pretty soon I'll be able to eat solids--yessss!!

Just having a giggle with Auntie Jammie and Auntie Stephanie.

They're so fun to be around!

The camera looks yummy... slurp!

My Poh-Poh hates getting her photo taken, but if you're holding me you have no choice!

Having lunch with Auntie Jammie the day before she leaves. Boo hoo!

Kissing my feet goodbye. Smell you next year!

Usually Auntie Jammie hates feet, but she seems to adore mine.

Raise the roof!

Playing the air guitar...

I love this place! I had lunch at Cova in Pacific Place--one of Daddy's favourite's!

Even though it's still tiny, my feet are still growing. They're almost as big as Mommy's hands!

Smoochie smoochie!

Ho hum...


Tyler is having a face-off with Ma-Ma. Ma-Ma was wearing curlers and a face mask which scared all the kids except me.

Talia smiles as she wears my bunny ears hat. Tyler is pretending to be Buzz Lightyear again.

Cute! Talia hung out with me next to my playgym.

Attack of the feet! Talia's are on the left, Tyler has one at the top, and mine is the tiny one on the right.

Going for another trip out on the town!

Trying on a new hairband Mommy got me.

Let's disco, yeah!

Auntie Stephanie and me! Look how happy we look!

My Poh-Poh spotted some white imprints on my bottom gums (first signs of teeth) and Mommy tried to get a photo.

These days I sleep on my tummy in the mornings.

Can you see my teeth? They're there!

Mommy kept trying to make me laugh so she could get a good photo.

Another attempt...

Success! A clear picture of my soon-to-be pearly whites.

Tee hee hee!

My million dollar smile.


My second-cousin (?) Sandy (also from California) and I. She flew to Hong Kong just to see me--how nice!

I have so many more photos, but I will have to save them for the next post! There are just too many activities over here!

Friday, July 20, 2007

My first trip abroad!

Surprise, I'm in Hong Kong! Yippee!!! Man, it's so hot here. It's very humid and hot and sticky and stuffy, so luckily I'm never outside for very long. This past week I've start flipping constantly and love getting onto my tummy. I even do it when Mommy is trying to put me to sleep! Just this morning I flipped onto my tummy and then was able to flip back on my back again, but I think it was just a fluke.

Here Daddy is telling me that I'm going to Hong Kong to see my grandparents and extended family. I can't wait!

I still can't get over the excitement! My first plane ride!

I finally met Auntie Bec who came to visit all the way from London. She's Daddy's best friend from high school. So nice and smiley, I like her a lot!

Auntie Nat and Uncle Brian wanted to take a photo with me before I left to Hong Kong. I think they miss me a little... because I sure miss them!

Yep, I had my own seatbelt which was connected to Mommy's! Daddy held me for takeoff (I was asleep the whole time), and Mommy held me during landing. She was afraid I would get scared during the bumpy landing but I actually enjoyed it!

My Gong-Gong was so happy to see me and had to have a photo right away.

A full shot of me on my first day in HK. I wonder how much I will grow while I'm here...

Pucker up!

My Po-Po and my Gong-Gong were so excited to see me!

Sometimes I get really afraid that someone will take the bottle away from me so I hold on tight.

Mommy, Daddy and I all got haircuts the day after we arrived. Unfortunately, mine was a total surprise and my Ma-Ma (grandmum) cut it when I wasn't paying attention. I cried through the whole experience, but now I'm alright.

Now I look a little like a boy... boo hoo.

Me and my grandmum, Ma-Ma.

Me and my Ma-Ma and Ye-Ye.

My Aunt Jammie, Grandaunt Laura, Grandaunt YY, and Aunt Stephanie. They came to visit me all the way from California! I feel so special!

People love taking photos with me. I feel so famous!

My own little restaurant-made bed during dinner. Everyone else only got one seat, but I got 2!

Enjoying my personal space!

First meeting with Aunt Deborah and Uncle Victor! Look how happy we all look. :)

My Aunt Monica and me! I was so excited to finally meet her!

My second-cousins Talia and Tyler. Talia is always copying what her older brother does. It's so cute!

Tyler loves Buzz Lightyear and is always posing like him. And of course, Talia does it too!

Still doing some cute poses. I can't wait to learn them too!

My Granduncle Joe also came to visit me. Here's me and the Tang family, minus Andrew (who I hope to meet soon).

Daddy is in New York right now and I miss him soooooooooooooooooooooo much. Every time he calls and talks to me on the phone I get so happy and smiley. I can't wait until I hear his voice again. Miss you Daddy!!