Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Nice to meet you!

Hello, my name is Naomi Shi An Wu.

I came into this world on February 8, 2007, weighing in at 7 pounds 12 ounces, and 20.8 inches long. Yep, I am a chubby little thing!

Here are my mommy and daddy who love me soooooo much!

I love to smile in my sleep. Hee hee.

I am Daddy's #1 girl! He is always so excited to see me when he comes home from work.

Everyone kept wanting to hold me when I was first born and I was passed around like a hot potato. Here I am with Uncle Chris...

And then with Uncle Brian...

And then with Auntie Nat.

My first car ride home... which I spent sleeping.

What are you looking at??

Sometimes I am hard to burp, and mommy thinks that this burping position is so funny.

I'm a hot new chick! This onesie was a present from my Uncle Brian.

My grandmas and me. They constantly spoil me with their love!

Mommy has an obsession with my feet. They're the only ones she'll ever kiss.

See, how can you resist?

Here is my Yeye. He loves to take photos of me every single day!

I love lying on my Gong-gong's belly. It's so comfortable!

My Uncle Joseph doesn't like to smile a lot, but he loves me a lot!

I always like to sleep with my fists clenched and arms raised high. Daddy thinks I'm practicing my tennis grip for the future.

I like to pose for the camera, and I call this look "Blue Steel". I haven't quite perfected "Magnum" yet.

Just after a bath which felt so relaxing.

My eyes are getting bigger each and every day. This is one of mommy and daddy's favourite pictures of me.

Today I am 3 weeks old! I've grown a lot since birth and my parents are so proud of me!

For more photos of me, check here and here.