Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Ethan/Easter!

Last week was super exciting as we welcomed a new member to our family. My cousin Ethan was born on Saturday, March 22nd, and as you can see from the photos below he is a fine addition to the male species!

Finally out of the womb!

Don't let this photo fool you, my head is MUCH bigger than his!

Uncle Brian is now a daddy!

Happy family. : )

Daddy and Mommy also had some snuggles with Ethan which got me a bit jealous, but I know that I'm THEIR baby!

Ethan must've been really tired from the labour because he slept during our entire visit! He looks so sweet and peaceful.

Then again, he is a newborn and I hear that they sleep a LOT! And I thought my 14 hours of sleep a day was a lot!

Congratulations Uncle Brian and Auntie Nat! I can't wait until you bring him home so I can have a new playmate!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

13 is a lucky number

Hey everyone, sorry for the total lack of posts. I've been really busy with classes and activities, as well as hanging with my Mah-Mah and Yeh-Yeh who are back for a couple of months. Oh, and I was sick for a week with a minor cold, but now I'm all better and feeling great!

This past Saturday I turned 13 months and am proud to say that I now weigh 10.6kg or 23.3 lbs! I'm a big little mama!

Here I am beating up Pooh bear. While other little girls hug teddy bears and kiss dolls, I just like to knock them over with one swift push. I don't know why, but I just enjoy bullying defenseless plush toys. (video also here)

After a bit of bullying, I befriend Pooh and sing, play and dance with him again. He's a nice bear. (video also here)

Mommy thought I looked so much like my Uncle Joseph here that she had to take a photo. Uncle Joseph must've been super good-looking when he was young because look at that face!

Here I am chatting with the birdie that visits us on a daily basis. I absolutely LOVE birdies! (video also here)

A couple of weeks ago we went out to dinner with Uncle Stan, Auntie Tiff, and their newborn son Jet! He's soooo tiny! Mommy says that at two months old he looks smaller than me on the day I was born. That means that either 1) I was a huge bubba or 2) Jet is a mini bubba. I think I'll go with the latter option.

And here is little Jet...awww...

All dressed up and ready to party! Don't you love my little shrug? My Grandaunt in Hong Kong knitted it for me by hand. Beautiful craftsmanship, I must say!

I love being silly with Daddy.

Just about to give Mommy a big smoochie.

This is my new walker. I love to push, turn, flip, and spin all the things on it, as well as chat on the phone. Here I am displaying my obsessive-compulsive disorder. Sometimes I like to keep pressing the same button to hear the same sound, over and over and over and over again. (video also here)

And here I am walking with my new walker! In this video I bump into a lot of things, but now I know how to navigate a lot better and turn myself out of dead ends. (video also here)

Do you like seafood?

See... FOOD! Hee, I'm such a natural comedian!

Today I'm having an avocado, carrot and chicken sandwich for lunch.

It's derricious!

I love playing around with Mommy's desk chair. Who knew something so simple could be so fun? I could spend hours just spinning it around or twirling it while walking in circles around it. (video also here)

The other day I got stuck playing with my bath chair. It was a lot of fun trying to fit myself into it... until I couldn't figure out how to get myself back out!

Here is my impression of Jennifer Beals from Flashdance.

Where are we going to walk to today, Mommy?

Yes!!! I love going to the supermarket!

Posing on the balcony with Yeh-Yeh and Mah-Mah on a nice, sunny afternoon.

Even though I'm a girl, I'm just as mischievous as a boy! Before I used to always crawl on top of the keyboard to see over my playpen wall, so Mommy put some padding underneath to keep me from climbing on top. As you can see here, nothing will stop me! (video also here)

Mommy says that I look spectacular in red. This gingham shift dress is no exception!

Yesterday I took my first steps on my own!! I can only take a few at a time (5 or 6 at most), but I'm getting there! (video also here)