Thursday, January 17, 2008

My First Picnic!

I'm now 11 months old and still the same weight. Here are my current stats:

Weight: 10kgs / 22lbs (80th percentile)
Height: 78cm / 30.7in (100th percentile)
Head Circumference: 45cm / 17.7in (50th percentile)

I'm a little heavy still but, because my weight has begun to plateau, I've dropped from the 90th percentile to the 80th percentile. My head circumference surprises me because I actually have quite a large head compared to other babies! As for my height, I am officially off the charts (according to the standard growth charts). My height is probably the main reason why everyone thinks I'm one and a half years old instead of just 11 months. I'm still a little baby!

A lot of times people can't tell what features of mine are from Mommy and which are from Daddy. But I definitely have Daddy's 'do! Check out our side-by-side comparison. The resemblance is uncanny!

Last week my friends Cameron and Bradley came over to play with me. I guess I wasn't really prepared for them since I didn't expect them to be so active and rowdy. After all, I haven't seen them in about 9 months, since the last time I visited them.

"Ooh... it's a girl..."

Bradley: "I'll be the brave one and try to play with her first!"

Bradley loves my singing and talking Pooh!

"Look Mommy, I know how to share!"

Playing together in harmony.

"Wow... Bradley is two weeks younger than me but can already stand for a long time on his own!"

When Brad and I were playing with the activity table, Cammy came in between us, picked up the table, and moved it to the other side of the playpen. Then he tried to give me a piggy to play with as an apology.

Cammy opened his gift from me and it was a battery-powered bubble gun!

He was so excited when it started going that he was laughing so loudly at all the bubbles coming out.

Cammy takes a break while Brad and I check out the bubble colony on the floor.

Wow, look at that thing go!

Brad: "Wow!!!"
Me: "Come on, Cammy! More bubbles!"
Cammy: "I just want to wait until the other ones pop first!"

Cammy tried to cuddle me on several occasions throughout the day, but I was a bit shy and scared...

It got to the point where I tried to escape Auntie Cheryl's arms because Cammy was so persistent!

Just a quick photo op with Mommy.

On Sunday I went for my first ever picnic by the water!

I was so happy because I was outside, there was lots of food, lots of sun, and I was having heaps of fun.

After lunch, I got to eat watermelon all by myself. Here's me taking a BIG BITE!

Mmm... this is really juicy!

I'm not letting go, this thing is too good!

Tasty, but messy!

After eating, I was able to play on the picnic blankets and crawl around.

It was such a warm day that I wore a sexy tank top.

Is it really hot out here or is it just me? Just me? Yeah, I thought so. : )

Playtime with Daddy!

I love being tossed in the air--it's such a rush!

During a mid-toss, Uncle Brian tried to steal me away to play.

Here I am dancing and bouncing up and down. Yippee!

A peek at tooth #7!

Here's a close-up -- it's sticking out more and more each day!

And here are some videos taken from Christmastime till now...

Poh-Poh taught me how to dance. Check out our hot moves! (video also here)

I also learned how to stand by myself for a few seconds and clap. Unfortunately, the camera ran out of memory so Mommy only caught two seconds of it on camera. (video also here)

I love bubbles! (video also here)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My First Christmas and New Year's!

Boy does time fly when you're having fun! All my grandparents and my Uncle Joseph flew over for Christmas and I had the time of my life. You know what that means--another picture-heavy post. Here's a photo summary of all the fun I had:

On Christmas Eve, we enjoyed a delicious hotel buffet, but everyone was more interested in me than the food! By the way, that's Uncle Brian, not my Daddy!

Here I am just floating between Gong-Gong and Poh-Poh.

A nice family photo.

It's always nice to be surrounded by loved ones. My Uncle Joseph missed me a lot since July!

This is Uncle Anthony. He loves playing with me just like everyone else.

Just chillin' with Gong-Gong.

Just to make sure there's no more food left, I sometimes like to lick my spoon after a meal.

I love my activity table--I can push, turn, lift, and twist things on it.

What's up?

Where's lunch?

Hold on tight, the food is preparing for landing!

Mmm, the food is yummy yummy!

Yes, I'm obsessed with my feet!

Poh-Poh loves feeding me.

I still love touching my feet during meals. Yep, call me classy!

Bring on the food!

Again with my feet...

Looks like it's toes for dessert today.

My right foot looks particularly delicious today.

Pre-bedtime cuddle with the Gong-Gong and Poh-Poh.

Holiday smiles all around!

Mommy and Daddy celebrated their 2nd anniversary and went out to dinner alone for the first time since I was born. I missed them, but was too busy having fun with my grandparents.

I'm always so happy at mealtime that a lot of times I like to clap when I see the food all prepared.

Glued to the television...

I won't even blink since I'm afraid to miss anything.

This is one of the only times Mommy fed me over the holidays. My grandparents wanted to do everything for me the whole time--it was a good rest for Mommy!

Another Kodak moment with Mah-Mah and Yeh-Yeh.

I received a special treat from one of Poh-Poh's friends in HK and I was so entranced by the giftbag and bow. Inside were these amazingly cute hand-made hair bows that you will see in the later photos.

An exchange of gifts and hugs--Uncle Joseph, Poh-Poh, and Gong-Gong.

Daddy got a new iPod for Christmas! He's going to fill it with photos and videos of his favourite girl--ME! That way he won't miss me too much when he goes away for business trips.

After 10 years of wearing the same watch (which she still loves), Mommy got a new one!

Big cuddle by the Christmas tree! And being the fashionista that I am, I'm wearing one of my new hair bows.

Uncle Joseph got me a talking Winnie-the-Pooh! Winnie can sings songs and tell me stories. I love it!

This is Mommy and Daddy trying to figure out how to get it out of the box. It was not only child-proof, but completely adult-proof too!

Auntie Chi-Chi sent me all these great gifts even though she wasn't here in person. I'm so lucky I even get gifts from people who live internationally!

A lot of times I was actually more interested in the noisy wrapping than the gifts themselves.

I gave a personalised calendar filled with photos of ME to both sets of my grandparents. Needless to say, that loved them!

In addition to Santa, I have Auntie Nat and Uncle Brian for great gifts!! More books and a new Wiggles DVD--it's definitely my lucky day!

I will do anything to get what I want. Even if it means crawling over Uncle Joseph and stepping all over him to get it.

His glasses are MINE! Yes!

Gong-Gong took care of me every day and showered me with his love. Here we are just hanging out together.

Uncle Joseph, Mommy, and me!

I feel so loved!

Yeh-Yeh always has the biggest smile when he holds me. Can you blame him?

Poh-Poh and me just sittin' pretty.

I love playing with my activity table and pressing and turning and pulling and pushing everything.

It's so easy for me to reach over my playpen wall now. I love to look over, see what everyone is doing, and scream for attention.

Everyone thinks I look like a present when I wear one of my curly ribbon hair barrettes.

I gotta admit, I am darn cute with it on!

It matches my dress perfectly!

Poh-Poh and Gong-Gong thought I was so beautiful that they had to take a photo with me.

On Wednesday, Gong-Gong flew back home so I dressed up in a special outfit to see him off. Yeh-Yeh got the first photo with me!

Later Mah-Mah joined in on the smiles.

Then I was reunited with Daddy and Mommy!

And passed to Gong-Gong! (Check out my hot Bottega shoes!)

And of course we were then joined by Poh-Poh.

Having some post-dinner cuddles with Gong-Gong before going to the airport.

"Don't leave!"

Here's me and Poh-Poh just smiling together.

I'll miss you, Mah-Mah and Yeh-Yeh!

The other day two birdies flew onto our balcony wall. They always come to visit us. For some reason, they just love our house! I watched them for a long time and never got bored.

A few days later, they came back again! They started whispering sweet-nothings in each other's ears.

Then they began giving each other small pecks.

And after more snuggling...

They continued to kiss and cuddle one another. For parrot-looking birds, they sure acted like lovebirds!