Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Day in the Park and My Room!

Last week I went to a local park/playground with Mah-Mah and Mommy. It was so fun! There were slides, swings, and even a little area with things that looked like dinosaur bones!

Here we are walking in the park. After we turned this corner, there were suddenly all these funny animal noises coming from a hidden speaker. I was looking for the animals but didn't see anything!

I was allowed to ride on this little kangaroo semi-swing and after a while was able to rock myself.

It was so fun!

Then we saw some swings which I found so interesting since I'd never seen them before. So Mommy let me have a ride which I enjoyed for the first 15 seconds... then I got a little scared and wanted to get off immediately.

After the swings, I saw a big bird which I tried to chase, but it was too fast for me. Darn it!

Last Friday, I got to see Callum again! He is such a good boy and doesn't mind laying/playing on his own. Mommy said that when I was his age I needed a lot of attention--the total opposite!

I was trying to teach him how to touch the toys but I think he's too young to understand me.

Over the weekend, I played some Mario Kart with Daddy. I love to copy him and get so excited when I get to spin the wheel! Daddy looks like a dork but I look fabulous as always! I think I'm going to be a great driver in the future.

On Sunday, Uncle Eric and Auntie Sussan came to visit Ethan, so I dropped by to say hi. Here I am riding Ethan's lion--he growls like a real one!

Usually at playgroup I like to push around the toys, but this week I sat down and rode the car for the first time.

Here I am in action!

After seeing all the big kids go on the slide, I wanted a turn too. It was so fun!

At the end of playgroup, we did waves with a big parachute. I thought it was so cool!

Even though the other kids were running on top of the parachute, I was still a bit scared... it's much safer by Mommy's side!

It got even more exciting when we lifted the parachute off the ground and it kept going up and down.

And since I've never showed anyone before, I thought I'd give you a tour of my room.

Here's the grand entrance. That thing in the front left is my second stroller which is covered by a blanket.

Above my changing table there is row of my artwork by my favourite artist, Yoshitomo Nara.

Here I am showing off my stereo and smiling.

And here I am taking a break from the tour and having a quick dance.

My crib! Do you like my wall decal? Mommy ordered it all the way from a place called France.

This is the other side of the room--a guest bed for visitors (which is where my grandmas usually sleep) and my old feeding chair which I don't use anymore.

Here's the artwork on the opposite wall. Mommy made this for me using felt and glue. It's to teach me how to count from 1 to 9. I love birdies!

And my room wouldn't be complete without authentic Disney princess artwork! (Thank you Gong Gong and Poh-Poh!) This belonged to Mommy when she was a little girl and now it's mine!

Tonight I started to do the hand motions to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on my own--without copying Daddy or Mommy--except I didn't do the diamond part until the very end. Oopsies!

I started eating on my own a while ago, but recently I've learned to love drinking on my own too.

I'm always showing off at how well I hold my cup too--I like to place it between my teeth!

Peek-a-boo with my bears never gets boring. Here we are with another round of my favourite game!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Music Class, Daddy's Work, Mother's Day, Babyfest

What a busy past couple of weeks! I'm exhausted just thinking about what I'm going to write for all these photos. Anyhow, I have been going out a lot recently and doing a lot of stuff so here we go...

In the recent weeks I've become more interested in my little cousin Ethan. Before I would just run the other way whenever I visited him, but now I like to look at him and will sometimes touch his hand. Here we are holding hands like old friends.

And here we are "phoning home" just like E.T.

I was allowed to touch Ethan's hand gently, but then I suddenly started shaking it roughly and scared Mommy really badly. He was ok though--babies are tough!

For a small baby, Ethan doesn't like to lie down, but he loves to sit up. Here he is lounging on our sofa.

Right now I'm taking my 4th music class. Here I am playing with my shakers and tambourine.

And here's a video of me in action!

Next was music with some scarf action! I loooooooove playing with scarves!

And here's me banging on my little drum... until I spot the bigger one... which I must have!

And here is a video of me being greedy and picking up as many scarves as I can get my hands on. Yesss!

Last Friday was "Take Your Daughter (or Son) To Work Day" so Daddy took me to the office. Ok, there is no such holiday but it was a bunch of fun!

Here I am in the car on the way to the office! Every time we're in the car we listen to some great music and I love to dance to it.

This is a video of me being mesmerized by Daddy's great singing.

And here's me dancing along to the beat.

I had lots of fun in Daddy's office running around since there was so much space. Here I am playing with Auntie Wei. She's so much fun!

I love giving hi-fives, even if it's through glass windows!

I was also finally able to meet Luella, the daughter of Incu's womens' buyer. She's about 4 months younger than me and loves to crawl everywhere.

Here is Luella posing with Ethan. Unfortunately he was shifting back and forth so I couldn't get a clear photo.

Isn't she just adorable?

And again, I was less interested in the babies and more interested in Luella's stroller.

After snapping a toy of her stroller, I decided I better go and say hello.

Both of us were tricked into looking at the camera. It took ages to get a decent photo of us!

And again, we are separated.

Sooo cute!

Here we are... being forced to hug each other. : )

For Mother's Day, I made a personalised mug for Mah-Mah. She loved it so I was super happy!

I love holding stuffed animals these days and hugging them. Here I am with a special bear from the Peninsula in HK from Auntie Maureen!

It's Mother's Day and I'm taking Mommy out to lunch! Yippee!

Can't have a Mother's Day without a special photo with my Mommy. The flowers in the back are from me!

Here's a better shot of the pretty flowers. Daddy helped me order them for her since I don't have a credit card yet, but I wrote the card myself!

Last Friday, I went to Auntie Tania's house for a babyfest. It was a lot of fun and I finally got to meet her little son Callum. The highlight of the day was her doggies! She has two of them and they're soooooooo cute.

I spent a lot of time admiring the dogs. Hopefully one day Daddy and Mommy will buy me one too (fingers crossed)!

At the end of the day, the mommies decided to have a group photo. Unfortunately two other kids had already left, but there were 4 of us left.

1st try... not quite working! Ethan was so tired and falling all over the place... but I didn't want him leaning on me! Mommy says I need to work on being a good older cousin.

2nd try... Poor little Callum (in red)--he can't quite lift his head yet. Check out how tired Ethan is--YAWN! I was trying to slide off the couch because I did not want to do this group photo!

Finally a good shot! Dang... I look huge compared to the rest of them! From left to right: Alyssa (6.5 months), Callum (3 months), Ethan (almost 2 months), me (15 months)

Peek-a-boo is my favourite game these days. I love to play it with everyone, even my teddy bears!

I have a whole lot of teeth now so to keep them in good shape, Mah-Mah helps me brush them each day.

And now that I'm older, I like to do it myself too!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Out and About!

In the past couple weeks I've learned a lots of things! Now I always kiss Mommy and Daddy before they feed me snacks, I swing my arms up and down when I dance, I yell single syllables out loud (which my parents assume is me trying to sing), I throw tantrums when I don't get what I want, I know how to turn the tv on(!!), I know how to turn on/off/and play different beats on my keyboard, and I love to close and open doors. Apart from all that, I still look like a boy (unfortunately)!

Two weeks ago I dressed up for dinner with Daddy and Mommy's friends. I had so much fun at dinnertime that I refused to sleep that night until 11pm!

Daddy bought us Mario Kart on Wii and it's so fun! I love watching him race and always want to join in too.

I am always up for a dance. Here's Daddy groovin' to some music with me!

During the week, Daddy tested his new camera on me. These are only a few of the zillion photos we took because the rest were all blurry and odd. He's still learning how to work all the functions!

I love my Daddy!!!

Auntie Maureen from HK was in Sydney for Fashion Week last week so she came to visit me. She's so nice and even brought me a bear!

When I'm in the mood, I can't help but turn on the keyboard music and start dancing (even in the middle of Daddy watching rugby). Here is one of those moods captured on camera. Even when I fall down, I like to keep going. Sometimes I'm so swept up in the music that I will keep going back to the keyboard when the song ends to play it again.

Since I have a lot of teeth now, I'm forced to brush them every day. Here is Mah-Mah doing the honors.

Ok... that's enough... this is really uncomfortable...

Alright already! No more!!

I love pushing my stroller around since I'm always the one sitting inside. It's fun to be on the other end!

This past weekend was lots of fun. Daddy and Mommy took me out to the city! I don't even remember the last time I went to the city so I had a blast!

I got so excited when Daddy said we were going out that I started running around the house.

Then I decided to do a little dance in my play area.

What? It's time to leave?

Alright!! Let's go!!

Before leaving, I had to give Mah-Mah a cuddle since she was staying at home to rest.

And then we were off! This is Daddy and me in our parking lot. I always have so much fun just walking to the car.

Yesterday we went to the launch of a kids magazine called SHORT, hosted by Uncle Ben and Auntie Jane and others. They invented this really cool kids magazine/coloring book with drawings filled with cool stuff from famous artists. Here is Auntie Jane colouring in one of the drawings. Uncle Ben is in the background looking like a professional art connoisseur.

Here I am playing with Rody. At first I was afraid to touch him, but then we became friends. About 10 seconds later, something else caught my eye...

A blue Rody! Of course, the only reason I wanted to play with this one was because he was already taken. Here I am having a staring contest with the little boy.

I won the staring contest, but he still has Rody. Boo.

Mommy... help me?

Ah ha! At last I have them both to myself! : )

After playing with the Rodys, I discovered Uncle Bill's dog Frankie. Isn't she so cute??

It was the first time in my life that I pet a dog. I've seen them before, but I never touched them before. I really liked her!

Here I am following some kids around riding on the Rodys. I was so jealous I couldn't participate too!

Almost 15 months old and still obsessed with the phone. I hope Daddy and Mommy are prepared for sky high phone bills!

The moment I wake up and after I've gotten my nappy changed, I run into the living room, pick up all the things that I find interesting, and start walking around everywhere with them.

This morning, it was the remote control, some bubble wrap (Mommy child-proofed the house this weekend), and Mommy's digicam case.