Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bugs and Hairspray

I was sick a couple of weeks ago and in no mood for photos or smiles or blogging. Now I'm all better, but I've been so busy with activities and catching up that I haven't really had time for many new photos. So here are just a few that I've taken.

Here's me and Daddy posing together. I secretly stuck a sticker on his forehead and he didn't even know when taking this photo! Hee hee!

A lot of times when the laundry is fresh out of the dryer and nicely folded, I like to pull a bunch of pieces out and drag them around the house. This drives Mommy crazy! The other day I insisted on wearing Daddy's stripe shirt. I personally think it looks better on me than him!

Daddy giving me a piggy-back ride!

Mommy and Daddy finally decided it was time for a haircut. So Daddy pulled out the scissors and created this mess. Oh no, I look like a fool!!!

Then he tried to trim the uneven bits and cut it too short! Sigh...

Happy Halloween!! I dressed up as another of Daddy's favourite drinks, but I refused to wear the cap. Oh well, I guess the main part of the costume is good enough!

We went to a wedding on the weekend and here I am posing with Mommy. Once everyone's food came out, I immediately stopped eating mine and insisted on trying all of the adult food. And I ate A LOT!

Daddy and me--we make such a great-looking pair! I was feeling a bit tired so we had to leave early and I didn't even get a chance to dance with Daddy! Boo!

On Sunday, we went to visit our friends and their new one-month old baby, Joshua! Here I am smiling after playing with their cute doggies.

It's so hard to get a good photo with 3 babies all looking in different directions who can't seem to focus for even 2 seconds. That's my 7-month old cousin Ethan next to me and tiny little Joshua above me!

I'm becoming more and more affectionate and gave Joshua a little peck on the cheek.

Here we all are giving some nice cuddles to Joshua. Babies are so cute and small!

For the past couple of months, I've insisted on feeding myself at mealtime. It used to be messy, but now I am pretty good at keeping it clean!

Since birth, I have loved listening and dancing to music. Then Mommy recently showed me a musical called "Hairspray" because she loved the Broadway play. Now I am always asking Daddy and Mommy to put it on for me because I just adore the music and love dancing along. Here I am trying to mimic the dance sequence, although Mommy is pretty sure there is no part where they lift their shirts up. I must've made that part up myself somehow! Do you dig my moves?