Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Me and the Boys

The past few weeks have been filled with lots of boy-time. When we first got back home, I spent a TON of time with Daddy because he's my favourite person in the world and just a cool guy all around. Then he left for a business trip for two weeks (coming back Thursday!!) and my Uncle Joseph came to visit. So I was able to spend time playing with him and showing him all my dance moves and cool toys.

It was Daddy's birthday a few weeks ago. Here I am so happy to be celebrating his special day!

My fab photography skills at work again. You must admit, I'm pretty good!

The birthday boys--Uncle Brian and Daddy!

I don't know what I'm doing here, but this was the only photo with the 6 of us. Oh well!

Daddy, me and Mommy. I guess that night I just didn't want to look at the camera.

It was such a beautiful day three Saturdays ago so Daddy and Mommy took me to the park.

There was so much room and I was so excited to run around anywhere I wanted to.

Having a stroll with my Daddy.

Come on, catch up!!

Here I am chasing a bird.

I got this close, and then it flew away. Darn it!

Since I had so much fun painting in summer school, Mommy bought me a paint set for home. Here I am using two paint brushes at the same time. I've very talented!

Uh-oh, the paint is now on my fingers. It's only a matter of time when it gets onto my...


I am quite fascinated by the sight of my handprints.

Oh no! What have I done?!

A special moment with my Daddy!

This was my last photo with Ethan before he moved into his new house. We're no longer nextdoor neighbours, which saddens me. : (

Here I am surfing the Wiggles site and trying to navigate with the mouse.

Uncle Joseph came to visit me for a week! What a great surprise! Here I am showing him how to dance.

People are often surprised at how mesmerized I get when the Wiggles are on tv.

3 is not a crowd--it's a party!

Look what Uncle Joseph and Auntie Chi-Chi got me! A Wiggles keyboard!

Each time I take a photo with Uncle Joseph, he always ends up looking odd for some reason. But since I look so cute in this one, I had to put it up!

A Kodak moment with my generous gifters.

Do you want to have a try?

Dancing to the songs with Auntie Chi-Chi.

You shower me with love and gifts every time I see you! Boy am I going to miss you, Uncle Joseph! Come back soon!