Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Growing and growing!

It wasn't long after the last post that I learned to suck my thumb. Nowadays I will wake up and immediately start sucking my thumb instead of crying for milk.

I'm also making a lot more sounds like "ahh" and "guh" and clicking my tongue.

Having a jolly time in my new rocker that Daddy bought me!

It's also a good sleep-inducer!

Check out my legrolls!

I also smile a lot now, especially when Daddy and Mommy are talking to me and tickling me!

Mommy is making funny faces and sounds...

Hee hee!

Sometimes I like to stick out my tongue when I smile too.


What is she trying to do now?

A close-mouthed smile for the camera.



I'm having so much fun!

My big-eyed angel face.

Mommy likes to play with me while I'm on the changing table.

I even like to smile when I'm nekkid!

But clean clothes are always more comfortable.

Just trying on this red hoodie from Auntie Lisa...

Yep, it fits!

Here I am playing the air guitar--I'm very talented!

Watch me as I exercise vigorously! Sometimes I get so excited that I end up spitting up a bit of milk.

My appetite has increased and I'm drinking more milk these days! Here I am giving my "smooch" of approval after a nice meal.

Usually just before I poopoo, I 'sing' a song of squeals to warn people of what is about to come. Here I am 'singing' and trying hard to squeeze the poopie out.


Anonymous said...


hater said...

nice air guitar skills, baby!