Thursday, March 29, 2007

Boo hoo...

This was a sad week for me because my grandparents all went back to Hong Kong. I can't wait until this summer when I can see them again!

Here I am with my Ma-Ma and Ye-Ye.

And again with Po-Po!!

Here I am marching on Daddy's arm.

My Mommy loves me! Don't you love my cute outfit? It's from my newborn friend Janice in HK, Uncle David and Auntie Jock's new daughter. I can't wait to meet her!

I like to be warm and snuggly in a cozy blanket.

What's that over there?

Oh, just a camera...

Doesn't my arm look like a fat chicken leg?

Now I'm sleepy...

Here I am practicing my strong punch!

I'm always wide awake in the mornings...

and I like to study my surroundings.

I'm growing each day and am almost as long as the changing table now!

In the mornings, I like to dance to music on my changing table. Check out my moves!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy (belated) birthday, Ye-Ye!

Here is my Ye-Ye enjoying his favourite pastime--taking photos of me!

My bathtime hairdo--I look pretty good with a perm!

I like to stand on Daddy's tummy.

Waking up: Stage 1

Waking up: Stage 2

Waking up: Stage 3

Waking up: Stage 4

Stage 5: Ta-da! Fully awake!

I still love smiling in my sleep!

Ahh... that was a nice meal.

I'm feeling shy...

This is my favourite blanket from Auntie Elaine. Isn't it pretty?

Just checking out my surroundings...

Oh, g'day mate!

Tee hee!

And now some videos...

Waking up is hard to do...

No more cameras, please.

A quick smile for you! Have a good week!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Free at last!

For my first month of life, Mommy and I had to observe a one-month confinement rule of staying in the house (aka 'house arrest'). After turning a full 30 days old, we were both finally able to go out and about.

Just before my outing, I had a full feed so I wouldn't get hungry while everyone else had dinner. My lips are nice and juicy from the feed, even though it looks like I just put on some lip gloss.

Staring at Daddy's colorful tshirt makes me tired.

I love my Po-po! Here I am in my special 'first time out' outfit!

And I love my parents!

Are we leaving yet?

What's taking so long?

Finally, in the car and ready to go!

I ended up getting drowsy in the car and spent my entire first outing asleep!

Here I am with Uncle Chris--he's cool!

Auntie Daisy gave me this outfit which Mommy chose for my 2nd time out of the house.

Mommy thinks I look like a little dumpling.

All right, let's go!

Here I am just lounging in my Boppy from Auntie Ruth and Auntie Jen. Only 5 weeks old and I can sit by myself (for a little while at least)!

Monday, March 12, 2007

It's a beautiful day in Sydney!

G'day mate!

Gimme five!

Sometimes in the mornings, I like to sleep in mommy and daddy's bed. It's so warm and comfortable, and I feel very safe surrounded by them.

When I'm covered in warmth, I sleep a lot more soundly.


I love falling asleep on mommy!

Mmm, that was a nice meal.

On second thought, is there more milk?

I could definitely go for some dessert.

Ok, maybe I'll just suck on my fingers.

Here's my "thinker" pose.

Why hello there!

Do you think I'm sexy?

Beware, I have strong punches!