Friday, June 27, 2008

I miss you, Daddy!!!

Daddy is away and it's time to PLAY!!! Actually, I'm always playing so Daddy being away doesn't change things except that I miss him so much and am always calling his name throughout the day. Each time the phone rings or the computer makes noises (I'm so used to Skype-ing every day), I call "Daddy!" in hopes of hearing his voice or seeing him. I'm only right about 1/10th of the time though! Come home soon, Daddy!

Last week Poh-Poh thought it would be funny to put rollers in my hair. I kind of look like a crazy woman...

Alright, I've had enough. I look cute, but these things have got to go.

I woke up one morning to the biggest surprise... lots of birdies on the balcony!

Usually there is one or two that visit each afternoon, but that morning there were 9!! I couldn't fit them all in the photo, unfortunately, but I was yelling in excitement while enjoying my breakfast.

They pulled out the tunnel at playgroup and I've always been too afraid to go in. Who knows where it may lead me?!

But last week I was brave and too interested to care--I did it!

Check out my pearly whites! I've got two fangs coming in on the top sides, and it won't be much longer until I have a full set.

We made rainmakers at playgroup and I love shaking mine and making a whole bunch of noise. I also like to show it off to my grandparents on Skype.

I love to dance and cheer with Poh-Poh. Here's proof!

Mommy, I don't care if you think I look adorable, I don't wanna be a gangster!

Hey bebe, don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

Last night when I was video chatting with Daddy, I decided to show off for him and push my stroller all around the living room. I'm really good at maneuvering things around (and banging into things)!

Today I had another playdate and invited 3 boys and cousin Ethan over. That's right, 4 boys and ME! This is my friend Cammy. He's very affectionate and likes to hold my hand.

When I let go, he put his hand on my lap as if to say "You're not going ANYWHERE. You are mine."

Whoa Cammy, watch where you put those hands! See how much he adores me?

Cammy's little brother Brad (who is 2 weeks younger than me) is asking, "How come I don't get any love?"

Here is my friend Callum, who you've met before. Only 4.5 months and already burying himself in books!

Here's Auntie Cheryl and Brad having a little munchie break. I thought I had a big appetite, but mine doesn't even compare to Brad's!

And observing us all going crazy from the couch was Auntie Nat and Ethan. He's only 3 months but a BIG boy!

Cammy insisted on being in the photo too, so I had to take another one with him front and center!

Each night before bed I run around the living room avoiding Mommy and Poh-Poh trying to catch me to put me to sleep. So to further prolong the bedtime process, I get Poh-Poh to read me a book. Because she is my Poh-Poh, I am able to take advantage of her with my charms and one book turns into two, then three, and eventually about ten. At that point, Poh-Poh says it's enough and time for bed!

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Wiggles--LIVE! And Poh-Poh!

Oopsies, falling behind on my updates again! Lots has happened, including the fact that I'm growing even more teeth which means that I almost have a full set of teeth! I'm now 16 months and going strong. Here are my current stats:

Height: 84cm / 32.7in
Weight: 11.4kgs / 25.1lbs

I've grown 31cm and gained almost 8 kg since birth! Wowee I'm a big girl. I guess I have my healthy appetite to thank for that. : )

Two weeks ago Daddy and Mommy woke me up early, changed me quickly, and we went for a ride. I had no idea where we were going and was still half-asleep and very confused (as you can tell by the look on my face). After all, it was a Friday... doesn't Daddy have work??

When Mommy told me we were going to the Wiggles, I lit up and was happy. Ok, I didn't understand what she was saying, but after a bit of time had passed, I began to wake up a bit more and be my happy self. And plus, Daddy was singing in the car again for me which always makes me smile.

Here we are at the special theatre. Mommy wanted to take some photos before the show started, but I was too busy eating my brekkie and staring at the empty, but colourful stage.

No matter how many times Mommy tried to get my attention, I just could not pull my eyes away from the stage...

Daddy finally got my attention for 2 seconds, but then it was back to staring.

Ok, one more photo before the show starts! Oh well, Mommy tried her best.

Oh my gosh, it's THE WIGGLES!!!

The show has begun, but Mommy still wants more photos of me. Come on--I'm trying to focus!

Wow, Murray has some crazy dance moves!

Wags the Dog, Captain Feathersword, Dorothy the Dinosaur, and Henry the Octopus were there too! What a great day. After all this excitement I was so tired and ready to go home for a nap!

The next day I got dressed up for a special lunch in the city!

I thought I would bring along my Minnie Mouse purse for the ride.

We went to the famous Taiwan dumpling house DinTaiFung for lunch. Here I am taking my plate and bowl set for a test drive. Bring on the food!

After the big (but not fabulous) meal, we took a few photos outside. Here I am with Daddy and uncle Chris.

Then Uncle Brian wanted one alone, which is ok because I'm used to the paparazzi stalking me. He's just like any of my other fans!

And another shot with Daddy, Auntie Beatrice, and Auntie Nat.

Last week I hosted a playdate with some boys. Here are Auntie Nat and Auntie Tiff with Ethan and Jet, respectively. My friend Jamie and Auntie Nicky came too, but Jamie and I were too busy playing and refused to pose for a picture.

On Monday night, Poh-Poh arrived in Sydney! It's been almost 4 months that I saw her in person and was very excited that she came to visit.

It's getting really cold over here now, so Poh-Poh needs to blowdry my hair after my baths each day instead of allowing it to air dry. The blowdryer is such a fascinating product!