Saturday, April 7, 2007

Good girl, BAD girl!

This week I have become even more active and can dance in my cot to music for as long as a whole hour! Yes, dancing is by far my favorite form of exercise. It's definitely more fun than crying!

I've also learned how to suck my on my hands and am almost sucking my thumb. I'm growing up fast and enjoying every minute of it!

Me and my Pooh... my Uncle Joseph carried this Pooh on the plane all the way from Shanghai. I love it!

My Gong-Gong picked this outfit just for me. Doesn't he have good taste?

Get your dukes up!

I like to do the Macarena!

Let's have a staring contest... I bet I'll win.

I like to exchange Eskimo kisses with my Mommy.

Still sleeping like I'm flying... These days I have quite a set sleeping pattern and wake up once a night around 5:30am.

This is my only piece of blue clothing because Mommy likes me to wear pretty, feminine clothing.

Auntie Tiffany and Auntie Nicky came to visit me this week and it was so fun (until I got hungry and fussy)! Here I am with Auntie Tiff. Auntie Nicky is 3 weeks away from expecting a baby of her own and I can't wait to have a playmate!

Sometimes when I am cranky, Mommy puts me in the Baby Bjorn (sling) and I usually end up falling asleep within 10 minutes.

The other night I fell asleep in a thinking position.

Sleepy sleepy!

I don't play favorites--I fall asleep on everyone!

Aww... this is so comfy.

Auntie Nat gave me my first ever piece of candy. Too bad I can't eat it!

And now the Naomi we never knew...

Don't mess with me or my bottle!!!



hater said...

ha ha ha! saucy!

e*star said...

Fall asleep on me, please! :)

guppieluv said...

heehee... i showed my mom the pix of the little princess, and she commented on what a lovely head of hair she has! so funny that in chinese culture that's one of the signs of a healthy baby!! happy easter kiddies!

Anonymous said...

so precious! hope you all had a happy easter!

Anonymous said...

She's adorable!