Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only 7 weeks!

Gimme gimme! I have a lot more movements this week and like to grab hold of things. I can't quite hold this rattle, but I like it when it's shaken in front of me.

I'm also seeing more clearly and like to focus on certain objects and people.

A lot of times I keep a clenched fist next to my face to protect myself.

Mommy loves taking close-ups of me because she thinks I'm so adorable!

These days I am smiling a bit and making a lot more noises. I wish I could talk already!

Here I am practicing my right hook.

Nice and comfy after a warm bath...

I like to listen to music in my crib and dance around.

I love doing my morning exercises!


hater said...

what a good dancer! not even walking yet and already you are droppin' it like it's hot!

e*star said...

oh naomi, all the GREAT dance moves your mommy's going to teach you when you grow up!!