Thursday, March 8, 2007

Happy One Month Birthday to me!

Today I am officially one month old! Yesterday I had a check-up from the local child center to make sure everything with me was going well and I was healthy. Upon leaving the hospital, all babies lose weight (mostly from the water retention from the womb). I lost about 280 grams. I'm supposed to regain my birthweight within 2 weeks and then gain a healthy 100-200 grams a week on average. Well, I gained just over 900 grams! Yes I am not just VERY healthy, but I am festively plump--a true piglet! Here are my stats:

At birth = 3.536kg / 7lb 12oz
Now = 4.12kg / 9lb 4oz

At birth = 53cm / 20.87in
Now = 54cm / 21.26in

Head Circumference
At birth = 34cm / 13.38in
Now = 36cm / 14.17in

Even though it seems I've grown a lot, I'm still within the 50% range, which means I am of average size. Everyone is very proud of my growth!

Most of the time, I get really tired after a feed that I fall asleep while getting burped.

Here's a Kodak moment with daddy--a special photo just with him on my one month birthday!

Here I am trying to stand on daddy's lap. I love being in his arms--he's the best!

It's a beautiful day and I've decided that I'm going to be a good girl today. : )

How can you resist this angelic face?

Enough with the photos already!

Just doing a little stretch.

Mommy thinks I have sexy lips.

Does this outfit make me look fat? No, but my belly does!

A true star has to have an outfit change on her birthday, so here's birthday onesie #2!

I am mesmerized by my own good looks.

Mommy waited all day to take a birthday photo with me, but was so busy with me that the only time for a photo together was when I had already fallen asleep.

We didn't even have a chance to celebrate or try the birthday cake Mommy made for me! Darn it!

And finally, here is a video Mommy took of me just before a feed. I was starving and couldn't wait any longer for my milk. You can see my feistiness and hear my urgent sucking at the initial latch on. Tee hee.

1 comment:

hater said...

what a nice cake and what nice kissy lips! happy one month!