Saturday, March 3, 2007

Happy Birthday, Uncle Joseph!

Today is my Uncle Joseph's birthday, so I'd like to wish him a very special day filled with lots of love, hugs, happiness, and kisses from me.

I always feel so refreshed in the mornings!

My ear itches...

Even though everything is blurry to me, I like to look into people's eyes.

Ahh.. it's nice and comfy lying here. If only I could manage to get away from the paparazzi all the time!

Ok I want more milk. NOW!

Wow, my belly is almost as big as my daddy's!


Anonymous said...

wow, you're getting so big!

e*star said...

i expect to see many more pictures of your feet, naomi! you might as well know your mommy is a "foot person" so be ready to have your footsies immortalized! :)

hater said...

hee hee i love your belly!