Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy (belated) birthday, Ye-Ye!

Here is my Ye-Ye enjoying his favourite pastime--taking photos of me!

My bathtime hairdo--I look pretty good with a perm!

I like to stand on Daddy's tummy.

Waking up: Stage 1

Waking up: Stage 2

Waking up: Stage 3

Waking up: Stage 4

Stage 5: Ta-da! Fully awake!

I still love smiling in my sleep!

Ahh... that was a nice meal.

I'm feeling shy...

This is my favourite blanket from Auntie Elaine. Isn't it pretty?

Just checking out my surroundings...

Oh, g'day mate!

Tee hee!

And now some videos...

Waking up is hard to do...

No more cameras, please.

A quick smile for you! Have a good week!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Princess Naomi your bath hair is the best!!!!!

toro said...

I love that "Daddy's tummy" pic!! Haha...That's her "I'm a babe!" pose!