Thursday, March 29, 2007

Boo hoo...

This was a sad week for me because my grandparents all went back to Hong Kong. I can't wait until this summer when I can see them again!

Here I am with my Ma-Ma and Ye-Ye.

And again with Po-Po!!

Here I am marching on Daddy's arm.

My Mommy loves me! Don't you love my cute outfit? It's from my newborn friend Janice in HK, Uncle David and Auntie Jock's new daughter. I can't wait to meet her!

I like to be warm and snuggly in a cozy blanket.

What's that over there?

Oh, just a camera...

Doesn't my arm look like a fat chicken leg?

Now I'm sleepy...

Here I am practicing my strong punch!

I'm always wide awake in the mornings...

and I like to study my surroundings.

I'm growing each day and am almost as long as the changing table now!

In the mornings, I like to dance to music on my changing table. Check out my moves!


hater said...

wow, dancing and punching already! i love it!

Dizzy Dame said...

Hi Naomi, you're a doll.